Integration’sPerformanceMonitoring Servicesencompass theequipment, resources,and highly‐skilled staff necessary to help you understand,analyze and optimizeyour LAN,WAN
Capacity Planning
Integration’s capacity planning services can provide you with the historical trend data necessary to make informed decisions about your network. Our engineers will work with you to analyze your network’s trends so that you can accurately forecast the build‐out of your network
Assessments Is yourcompany planning to deploya new business critical application? Are you confident that the application will perform as
needed?Letus Integration show you the pros,cons,and potential “show stoppers” that could impact deployment.We provide strategies that will enable you to proceed with confidence.
Network Optimization Audits
Do you need to verify that your WAN carrier is providing the agreed upon level of Quality of Service(QoS)? Do you need to identify the areas of your organization that are reducingthe QoS you candeliver? Integration network optimization audits can thoroughly analyze the data flow of your network in order to suggest optimization strategies, setup your base‐lining and definere levant QoS indicators.